Photo by Leah Huebner

My name is Morgan, and my pronouns are they/he.

I’m a Los Angeles based Actor, Director, and Writer whose work is heavily intertwined with the mission to spiritually, emotionally and mentally heal our culture.

Some of my most notable credits include playing the title character in FRANKIE (Official Selection at the Oscar Qualifying Raindance, Atlanta Film Fest and deadCenter, Winner of Outstanding Narrative Short at Tallgrass, Remi Winner at WorldFest Houston, Best Actor at Hamilton FF); starring in NOT US (Best Ensemble at FilmQuest, Best in Show at AwesomeCon); and co-directing THE BOTTOM (finalist in the Oscar Qualifying Rhode Island Int’ FF, BAFTA Qualifying Aesthetica, Best Actor at FilmQuest.)

I’m a founder of RED SEED FILMS, an independent production company whose work focuses on gender, identity and recovery.

I’m a Creative Director of The Orange Avenue Project, a documentary-style archive that amplifies the voices of those who survived & were affected by the Pulse Massacre.

My dream is to create radically safe-spaces for necessary conversations about gender, sexuality, mental and emotional health, specifically in relation to the transgender experience, and to continue to decolonize the theatre and film world in order to tell the most authentic stories possible.

Love & Lightning